Ein Hilferuf aus dem Irak


Dieser Brief eines Dominikaners aus dem Irak wurde unter dem Titel „The cries from a Dominican brother in Iraq“ auf op.org, der Internetseite des Ordens veröffentlicht.

„It is a humanitarian disaster. I have witnessed a hard time and a bitter history of my country and especially my beloved Church. The monster of our time (ISIS) maims all without mercy. When I see Christians persecuted in my country, humiliated and driven from their homes, it really hurt my heart. In addition, before the genocide of Christians in Iraq, there is a total silence from the international community. The fate of Christians rests between humiliation and departure, what misery! At this time of disruption, sometimes, I receive words or an email to give me a little courage, that’s nice. But now, I would like at this time to offer a practical approach from someone who is in a chaotic situation and who really needs support.

In the midst of this precarious situation, what can we do?

1) Awaken the world and public opinion by your cries in the media, press, demos, interviews, conferences. You have to talk incessantly and present our situation without fear.

2) In my humble opinion, there are international non-governmental organizations and also organizations of civil society in the world, we should contact them and encourage them to help us.

3) Conferences of Catholic bishops all over the world and especially in countries which have weight in the UN, can help us if they wish.

4) The Order could do something for us through its representative at the United Nations, brother Mike Deeb, OP.

5) This is the time when you all have to live the Gospel with us not only in words but also in deeds. The power of prayer is important but gestures are also good.

6) If you know politicians and business people of goodwill, get in contact with them and share our situation with them. They could be useful at this time because we are in a deplorable situation.

7) Whatever happens next, our responsibility to our Saviour is to continue his work in Iraq which began over 2000 years ago. Our church in Iraq desperately wants to continue her mission not only because it is small but more because it is so hurt right now and needs a good Samaritan! Where is he/she?!!!

8) If you have some time you can read this book Les Chrétiens aux bêtes by Jacques Rhétoré speaking about the massacres of Christians by the Ottoman centuries ago. History is repeating itself today in Iraq.

With all my heart, thank you for your cooperation and your support. My prayers are with you all.

A Dominican friar in Iraq

(11 August 2014)


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